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  1. A

    Vegetables All about ring spot disease in cabbages

    Agronomist notebook: All about ring spot disease in cabbages SATURDAY MAY 23 2020 Many farmers have embraced measures to curb the spread of Covid-19 on their farms by installing hand-washing points to enhance sanitation. On Samsom’s farm in Kajiado County, where he grows cabbages, beside...
  2. Maureen W

    Vegetables Minting Cash from Growing Cabbages

    Like the proverbial cat, Evans Gichuhi has had nine lives, he was once homeless, he was also a security guard, a milk vendor and a meat cutter. His is a story of resilience and determination. When he thought he had done it all and his young mind was longing to do something different, he tried...
  3. A

    Vegetables Watch out for this pest fond of cabbages!

    Check out on how to control Bagrada Bug a pest affecting cabbage farmers in hot areas causing the multiple heads. If you are a cabbage farmer, especially in areas with a hot weather, then you must have come across a brown insect feeding on your plants. This pest is called the Bagrada bug...