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diseases & pests - crops

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    Vegetables All about ring spot disease in cabbages

    Agronomist notebook: All about ring spot disease in cabbages SATURDAY MAY 23 2020 Many farmers have embraced measures to curb the spread of Covid-19 on their farms by installing hand-washing points to enhance sanitation. On Samsom’s farm in Kajiado County, where he grows cabbages, beside...
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    Legumes Rust Disease: Watch out for this enemy in french beans!

    I visited several farmers in Laikipia County last week and realised one of the threats to this important crop is rust disease. But what farmers do not know is that they are the main culprits spreading the disease! On one of the farms, the farmer was harvesting his produce, having placed the...
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    General Knowledge Control of snails and slugs

    Last week I received a call from farmer requesting for solutions on how to control the snails that were feasting on her cabbages - eating the leaves which resulted in reduced yields. The damage caused by the snails is similar to that of the insects, especially the holes they create on the...
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    Vegetables Watch out for this pest fond of cabbages!

    Check out on how to control Bagrada Bug a pest affecting cabbage farmers in hot areas causing the multiple heads. If you are a cabbage farmer, especially in areas with a hot weather, then you must have come across a brown insect feeding on your plants. This pest is called the Bagrada bug...
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    General Knowledge Effects of Fruit Flies and Their Control

    Effects of Fruit Flies and Their Control Nothing can be as disappointing to a consumer as cutting a fruit like a mango or an orange only to notice white maggots inside. The maggots are the larvae stage of fruit flies. There are different species of fruit flies, such as Bactrocera invadens...
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    Vegetables Calcium uptake problems

    Factors that inhibit Calcium uptake by plants leading Blossom end Rot which is a common problem in the greenhouse Below is a link of an article about challenges affecting greenhouse tomatoes farmers...
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    Vegetables Onion Diseases Guide

    There several diseases that affects onions during the production. Its always ideal to prevent the occurrence of the disease. Attached is a guide on the identification of onion diseases and they control.
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    Cereals & Grains Management and control of Fall Army Worm

    Guidelines on identification and control of Fall Army worm