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    Vegetables For a perfect bulb onion, planting depth is crucial

    For a perfect bulb onion, planting depth is crucial SATURDAY APRIL 25 2020 By ANN MACHARIA Onion is one of the most-prized crops because growers can make a fortune from them if they time the planting well. The price of the product has significantly risen due to the onset of the rains, with...
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    Vegetables Best Fertilizers To Use in Onions

    In onion production, the first thing you have to know is market requirements and manipulate the production practice to produce the desired quality of onion. Planting density and fertilization are critical in determining the size, weight and general quality of Onion bulbs produced. Onions have...
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    Vegetables Taking care of onions during rainy season

    Agronomist notebook: Taking care of onions during rainy season SATURDAY DECEMBER 14 2019 By Ann Macharia The ongoing heavy rains across the country are causing many farmers agony. However, one of the worst hit farmers are those growing onions. I recently visited an onion farmer, Ngatia, in...
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    Vegetables Onion Diseases Guide

    There several diseases that affects onions during the production. Its always ideal to prevent the occurrence of the disease. Attached is a guide on the identification of onion diseases and they control.