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  1. A

    Fruits & Nuts What to know as a first-time melon farmer

    What to know as a first-time melon farmer JANUARY 11 2020 By Ann Macharia. Watermelon is a vine crop that is simple to grow since it requires little maintenance. The fruit has high water content, increasing its perishability and, therefore, cannot be stored for long. Alex, a watermelon...
  2. Alfred Opiyo

    Fruits & Nuts How can I tell if my watermelons are ripe?

    The following four steps will help you know if your Watermelon is ready for harvest: 1. Check if the fruit has lost its shiny appearance 2. Tap gently and see if sound coming appear as if the fruit is hollow from inside 3. Check on the point of attachment between the plant stem and the fruit if...