• eLengo is East Africa's farming hub, combining an online community, educational resources and dynamic marketplace to help you reach your full potential.

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1. Get a Soil Test:? ?
If you are planting crops you need to educate yourself in soil testing. Many times farmers have great land and soil but plant the wrong crops or don’t fertilize, leading to poor yields. Invest in a soil test, make sure to have the knowledge to read it correctly and get your soil fertilized properly. It will 100% be worth the expense as your output will greatly increase!

2. Find an online marketplace: ?
It can be difficult to only sell your product at the local village. Online platforms open up a whole new marketplace and can easily connect you with thousands of buyers and sellers. This is a very simple and cost-saving way to make a larger profit.

3. Sell your biogas: ??
If you have any kind of livestock you will have animal “leftovers”. If it is more than you can use in your own garden or biogas project, then you might as well sell it for some extra income.

4. Sell your wood: ?️
Farms often have trees and old wood around. If you can cut the wood into logs you can either sell it to locals or nearby campsites as firewood for the tourists.

5. Making or supplementing your animal feed: ?
Nearly 70% of farmers total expenses come from purchasing feeds (Which are often poor quality). Developing your own feed can both help your farm become more sustainable and actually improve the health of your livestock if done right.

6. Solar lighting:?
You can save money on electricity by installing a solar system. It may be a large investment up front but it will be worth it in the long run, especially if your livestock and services depend on a stable power source.

7. Work Together with other farmers in your area: ?
Try to connect with other farmers in your area to buy and sell products together. By working together you will have a greater bargaining power to get discounts and more revenue for your product.