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Rabbits about feeding rabbits


Kales are great for rabbits but should not be the main food. Types of hay should be the primary source of their diet (dry fibre filled foods). I attached a picture of a food pyramid for rabbits that can help you.

Also please watch this video on feeding rabbits that will help you on the link below:


  • Rabbit_Food_Pyramid-page-001.jpg
    226.2 KB · Views: 4


New member
Informative,,,, what is the lifespan of rabbits,,,, should i change the male rabbit which have sired once and keep the young ones for future mating????


Informative,,,, what is the lifespan of rabbits,,,, should i change the male rabbit which have sired once and keep the young ones for future mating????
Rabbits can live upto between 10-12 years. Longest rabbit to have lived clocked 18yrs in the Guinness book of records. Life span entirely dependents on how well you take care of the rabbits and the purposes for breeding them. On selection and breeding,yes you can select the best males as replacement stock but remember to have clear records and identifications so as not to fall a victim of inbreeding

Dr. Nyaga

It is adviseable to keep females and introduce new genes by bringing a male from elsewhere.If you keep a male from a litter, he should not mate with his sisters or mother which complicates your program.