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Poultry About rearing systems

Nyambura K

@Abebose Lorys Before you pick a system, you need to consider the breed of chicken, production purpose, growth rate and the number of chicken reared.
Free Range system
This is the most common and is practiced in many rural households. Most homesteads will normally have between five to 30 birds. The kienyeji breed is reared in this type of system. The birds are left to scavenge outside and cater to their own nutritional requirements. Birds feed on insects, worms and occasionally get supplemental feed including leftovers and cereals.
The birds spend the night in a poorly constructed poultry house or the main house. The birds are used as a source of extra income to the owner or for consumption in the household. Production and growth rate for these indigenous birds is low since feed obtained from scavenging is not enough to meet their daily nutritional needs. There are high chances of losing the birds through predation and poultry thieves.
Semi-intensive system
In this case the birds are left to scavenge during the day and at night they move into a well-structured poultry house. The birds kept under this management system are more productive than those in the free-range since supplemental feed is offered. During the day the birds roam in a restricted fenced-in area and therefore monitoring is done and predation is therefore checked.
Battery cage system
The battery cage system, birds especially exotic layers are housed in cages that hold about 4 to 6 birds per cage. The birds have no access to move around the house. High initial capital investment of purchase and installation of cages is required. Capital investment is higher compared to other systems. Farm inputs ranging from housing, brooder, feeds, feeders and drinkers, heat source, vaccines to bio-security related inputs must be factored in.

Each system has its own advantages and disadvantages. like earlier mentioned the purpose of starting the poultry rearing business will drive you towards the production system.