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Chickens Advice From a Vet Professional


As a vet professional, I meet people who want to venture into poultry farming on a daily basis. Poultry farming is a good business if you stick to it and persevere. I will not tell you that it is easy or it's all fun and games neither will I tell you that it is a money minting business that needs no sweat. One thing I know is that poultry farming involves hard work, patience, investing and re-investing, proper market research, dealing with disease challenges and other serious challenges.

Before starting the poultry projects very important things you have to adhere to are:

1) Market- Do proper market research in your area. If eggs-go for layers, if meat go for broilers, if both eggs and meat go for improved Kienyeji varieties like Kuroiler, Rainbow Rooster or Kari Kienyeji improved.

2) Don't venture into poultry business seeking quick returns. Poultry farming is a long-term investment and you only reap after being in it after quite sometime. The first year is for recovering the costs and the second year is for addition of your flock. As you gradually grow keep as many as you want.

3) Always start small. Never be in a rush to keep large stock. Starting small enables you to learn the tricks of the trade and to cushion you in case you undergo losses (And most farmers will). After getting the experience you can add more birds.

4) Be ready to face challenges. This will come in the form of diseases, high cost of feeds, low egg prices, theft by workers and even high cost of inputs.

5) Work with professionals and experts as you start your venture. Listen to fellow poultry farmers but don't take everything they say. Always research widely. Some farmers have been misled and have failed terribly.

6) Don't take a loan to start poultry farming unless you have a way of repaying it quickly. Loans are taken once the business is already established and strong. Poultry farming can be a bit volatile sometimes and you may end up getting losses.

Those are my two cents worth of advice. Thank you, farmers. Never give up and always keep learning.
