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Chillies Advice on starting cayenne pepper farm


New member
It is my desire to start a pilot project on one acre under cayenne pepper.
I have gathered information from several sources regarding land preparation, compost production, seed bed preparation etc
my questions are :-
1. what is the average cost producing sufficient compost for one acre?
2.What is the average yield per acre and what are the harvesting intervals?
3.Where can i get a ready market considering the farm location ie Voi , coastal region , kenya
4.If I can connect with an exporter, what kind of packages in kg /packing materials do i need?


Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
Hello for one acre you will need 4tonnes of compost, cost will depend on type of materials used e.g animal waste vs plants Materials, it's also depending on area from which u will source these materials.

Yield per acre may vary from 1000 to 3000 kgs per acre throughout production period.

Harvesting starts when crops are between 2.5-3months of age with interval harvesting of once or twice per week

in agribusiness just as other forms of business market neef to be searched appropriately unless you get into contract farming therefore to me nothing like ready market nonetheless, you can make buyer know about your products through market place channel in this platform also there are many companies doing exports of agricultural products here in Kenya one example is Mace Foods Kenya ltd. Try googling you will find more links

In packaging this is some how specific to each buyer/ agency/exporter but one thing am sure of is that they will not accept plastic packages.
