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Other Crops Bananas

Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
They become black on the edges(fruit) what's wrong?
This disease is called Cigar end rot here below is how you can management it chemically and non-chemically
The control of cigar end rot is very much important in banana cultivation as this helps reduce and/or prevent losses attributed to its infection.
Several methods/practices are employed in the management of the disease. These include the following;
Chemical methods
Relevant fungicides are used in prevention and eradication of cigar end rot of bananas. They include;
  • RANSOM 600WP 15g/20l
  • ABSOLUTE 375SC 10ml/20l
  • EXEMPO CURVE 250SC 15ml/20l
  • EXPLORER 3 SL 10ml/20l
  • KATERINA 720SC 40ml/20l
  • MEGAPRODE LOCK 525WP 20g/20l
  • MILESTONE 250SC 10ml/20l
  • PROVIDENCE 400WP 50g/20l
  • RIMETA GOLD 300SC 40ml/20l
  • TRINITY GOLD 425WP 50g/20l
  • CHARIOT 500SC 20ml/20l
Non-chemical control methods
  • Use disease free and healthy planting materials
  • Field sanitation, such as the removal of dead, hanging leaves from plants, reduces inoculum level.
  • Packing stations and ripening room should be kept clean to minimize the chances of post-harvest infestation.
  • Infected fingers should be removed immediately
  • Avoid damage to the fruit and deflower 8-11 days after fruit bunch emergence.
  • Bagging of maturing banana stems.
  • Remove the untransformed flowers after the finger emergence
Thanks and welcome in time