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There are many methods of soil treatment and they include solarisation, heat treatment and fumigation. Solarisation involves thermal disinfecting of soil by trapping solar radiation under plastic mulch and is done to eliminate soil-borne pests.

It involves covering the soil with clear plastic to transmit heat as deep as possible into the soil. It is carried out for a period of 3-8 weeks.

It can be combined with fungicides, biological and cultural practices to make it more effective. Combination of solarisation and dazomet or calcium cyanamid results in good control of root-knot nematodes in tomatoes.

Polythene sheets are easily available. On the other hand, heat treatment is the use of heat on the soil to get rid of pests.

Dry heat involves the use of combustion or electrical resistance in form of a flame or current respectively. Moist heat involves treatment of the media with hot water or steam.

However, this requires a lot of labour to apply the hot water. Lastly, fumigation is the use of fumigants to treat the soil.

Fumigants are volatile and are applied through the pores of the soil. They act as toxicants to soil-borne pathogens and other harmful organisms.

The most commonly used fumigants are chloropicrin (tear gas), which is a liquid applied into soil that is already covered with plastic sheet.

The treatment is carried out for 1-3 days under cover and for a period of two weeks or until the gas odour cannot be sensed. 1, 3-Dichloropropene is another fumigant which is effective in the control of nematodes, insects and also suppresses some weeds.
