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Vegetables Blossom end rot and Blossom drop in tomatoes

Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
While most diseases in tomato farming that causes economic losses to farmers have their causal agents as either bacterial, viral or fungal (biotic agents) these two conditions are certainly not yet they present real havoc to many growers in tomatoes production. It's therefore important for new or newbies in tomato farming to have mastery of the two conditions.
As I made my introduction, blossom- end- rot is both as a result of Calcium deficiency in the soil and also physiological imbalance.
Blossom- end -rot disease attack tomatoes when fruits starts ripening characterized by ugly black patch or ring on the lower end of the fruit (blossom) which appear leathery.
blossom end rot as a deficiency disease attack crops where there's in adequate level of calcium in the soil
Inavailability of calcium can also be as a result low soil PH to enable crops to absorb available Calcium. Tomatoes thrives best in PH of 6-6.5.
As a physiological condition the disease is in other cases caused by irregular water application/irrigation/moisture availability in the soil.

-Before planting soil test is vital to establish PH and corrective steps needed
- use fertilizer with Calcium as of the ingredients e.g CAN adequately
-mixed crushed eggshells to your compost manure as a natural way of adding calcium into your soil.
- doing regular watering/irrigation both in time and quantity.
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this is where flowers drop off the plant before developing into fruits.
-fluctuations in night temperature( wider ranges)
-Insect damages
-insufficient moisture levels in the soil
-little or excessive amount of Nitrogen in the soil
-unpollinated flowers.
-Soil test in regard to Nitrogen availability and use correct fertilizer for tomatoes
-be kind to pollinators eg bees by applying insects friendly pesticides mostly made from pyrethrine and spraying activities done in evening when most insects are inactive.
- ensure adequate moisture levels particularly at flowering stage .

Best luck