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Chickens Breeding



Haloo am currently having a chicken population of 30 hens and cocks...i recently introduced improved kienyeji chicks ..but they really aint putting on weight .is it the feeding or whats the problem..currently they are 7mnths old but weigh less than 1kg..Am feeding them with ground maize,millets,peas and beans...what more should i give to get the weight..secondly i introduced an improved kienyeji cock for breedind ..how long will it take before i see the results in the laying.
thirdly whats the cock to hen ratio..thankyou.


Haloo am currently having a chicken population of 30 hens and cocks...i recently introduced improved kienyeji chicks ..but they really aint putting on weight .is it the feeding or whats the problem..currently they are 7mnths old but weigh less than 1kg..Am feeding them with ground maize,millets,peas and beans...what more should i give to get the weight..secondly i introduced an improved kienyeji cock for breedind ..how long will it take before i see the results in the laying.
thirdly whats the cock to hen ratio..thankyou.
Remember that poultry are monogastric meaning they have only simple stomach thus their feed however simple must be completely balanced. Your ration is seriously lacking protein source and mineral&vitamin premises. Would advice you withdraw the beans and peas and instead introduces cotton seed cake, sunflower cake, and wheat bran to replace millet. You can refer to the free education and resource in the poultry section for a guide on poultry feed formulation. On the introduction of the cock kindly note that with or without a cock, the birds will always lay eggs as long as you provide the right environment for them.however cock presence will ensure the eggs are fertile. Ideal hen to cock ratio should be one cock for every 5.


thankyou very much am now getting to understand this birds now...will work on the replacement programme on the feeds..Much a pleasure for the info..