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Poultry Broilers

I received 200 kuloiler F1 chicks yesterday.i want to sell them for meat in middle of November when demand is high and prices are good. Hen goes up to 600 and cock1000.which ratio of feed to use in order to acquire maximum profit, since over feeding and underfeeding can result to loses.


Feeds account for 70-80% of poultry production cost and should therefore get attention in order to maximize profit. It is important to note that kuroilers due to their high feed intake and on the backdrop of high cost of feeds cannot be raised on commercial feed alone. Tha advantage of kuroilers over other exotic breeds is the fact that they can feed on kitchen left overs, vegetables and organic market waste and still attain weghts at the same rate at lesser cost. This must be exploited in order to maximize profit from this enterprise. Though care must be taken to clean out the remains daily. This can be given in suplement to commercial feed at a rate of 0.49kg/week per bird on wk4, 0.63kg wk5 increasing to 0.84 through wk 6to9. By wk ten which should be the final week they should be on 0.91kg/bird/week. Feed starter ration on wk 4&5 then finisher from week 6 through to 10.