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Chickens Can my birds be kept on a free ranch


New member
1. Would i keep my birds on a free ranch,, what are the risks ,,,
2. Then should i constrict my birds to a room constructed for them ?


1. Would i keep my birds on a free ranch,, what are the risks ,,,
2. Then should i constrict my birds to a room constructed for them ?
Hi Lokales, poultry production system you adopt depends on the breed you aim at keeping and space availability. Free range system is best for local kienyeji birds that have the scavenging instinct. Demerits of this system is 1. Biosecurity isn't guaranteed birds get diseases as they scavenge for food. 2. Vermin (predators) control will be a big challenge 3. Eggs loss will be common. Would advice you go semi- intensive system then upgrade to full intensive system either dip litter system or battery system. Intensive system requires large capital outlay initially,it is labor intensive however the returns are high afterwards.


New member
Ok thank you expert ,, now i know ,,,, how many days does a healthy kienyeji hen lay eggs in a month


New member
Waaw! Ok thanks for that information,,,, then how to manipulate that semi - intensive system if i have small area of land


New member
Hello, i want to start poultry keeping on small scale, like ten hens and 2 cocks, kienyeji, wondering about the measurement of the poultry structure..can somebody help with measurement approximations?