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Other Fruits and Nuts chemicals for watermelon

I planted watermelon and they are three weeks old. So far I have only applied vegetative foliar.can you please help me by giving me right chemicals l should apply on them at different stages.


Certified Expert
This will depend with the ecological conditions of your location. However we can do preventive fungicides such as mancozeb based, and in case noted fungal infestation we can do curative azoxystrobin . scout for pest and diseases frequently and keep me updated by posting pictures I will advise accordingly.

Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
besides diseases, it's also important to monitor insects pests as early as possible and control measures be employed appropriately. A common pest is melon fly usual of control by chemical baits before their effects surpass economic injury levels. Another recommendation is planting trap crops (crops loved by these pests) in this case Maize, cassava or pawpaw can planted around the farm or in rows in between the main crop(watermelon) if the farm is big. Remember also to keep your field clean free from weeds.
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