Kiptoo chilwal
New member
I need tips on how to successfully benefit from chicken farming
You are in the right place worry less. If you are new in the field of poultry farming,kindly follow this link Read more on the poultry free education resource in addition to enrolling for e-course right here WelcomeI need tips on how to successfully benefit from chicken farming
I need to start on chicken.. any advise before I start
kindly get more information via this link need to begin the chicken farming project
Dears,may you advice me on the following issues
*the number of chickens to begin the project
*the size of the area to handle them
*proper Chiken species(kienyeji etc)
@nedward what do you think?Hi I would love to know what is wrong with my chicken they have brown stool and this has persisted since they were a week old. I have treated them but this seems not to disappearing. One day i called a vet and he told me the chicken has chronic cocodiosis due to prolonged use of the same drug. Hethenrecommended Vazuril for 2 days then anticox for 5 days then back to vazuril this interchange for 3 times am now on the second time but am not seeing change what am I doing wrong. Thanks
Yellowish hue would mean coccidiosis. Otherwise kindly if there are no mortalities recorded then no point worrying. Confirm if it has white patch on top which indicates normal dropping and consistency too shouldn't be loose. Factors such as breed,feed, time of the day, month also influences the type of dropping. Kindly to identfy you chicken dropping type or send a picture form more help from us.@nedward what do you think?