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Chillies chillis

Mary kirioba

New member
Hallo would like to plant chilly which is best type in the market and explain. How its planted.also would like to know more about cabbage farming.


Certified Expert
Hi Mary,
The variety and market demand depends with consumer that's is the person you intend to sell to. I would advise you to do a market research in your locality to identify the variety in demand. However there several chillies varieties this includes Bullets , bird eye chilly
Raising seedlings
The seeds are first sowed in the nursery where nursery management practices takes place for about 3-4 weeks and the seedlings are ready for transplanting.

prepare the seedbed, add well decomposed manure and DAP depending with your soil test analysis.
plant at a spacing of 40 by 60 cm depending with the variety.

Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
Hi Mary where are you located? I know of an exporting company operating around Kimilili-Mt. Elgon in Bungoma county they can contract you as their out grower, they give seeds and extension services on bullet chilly.
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