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Coccidiosis is an intestinal disease that occurs when a microscopic parasitic organism (called a protozoa) attaches itself to the intestinal lining of a chicken. It damages the tissue of the gut, causing bleeding (which can be evident in their droppings), prevents the chicken from absorbing nutrients and creates an environment in which bacteria can thrive.

By being a vigilant farm owner and keeping on top hygiene practices, you can save your birds from it.

Here are few things to remember: - Coccidia oocyst need wet, warm, and humid conditions to thrive. Keep feeding and watering areas clean and clean out litter and droppings from coops regularly - Coccidiosis will spread fast in overcrowded conditions – give chickens at least four square feet of space each - Incubation is about eight days and symptoms can appear gradually or quickly. Keep an eye on your ladies for anything out of the ordinary - Blood in droppings, listless birds, loss of appetite – if you see any of these warning signs the sooner you act the more chance your chickens have of survival - Younger birds are more at risk – consider providing medicated starter feed for chicks - Caught early it is treatable. Talk to your vet about the appropriate medication
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