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Chickens Cockdiosis


First, please make sure your coop is dry and has very good hygiene. You can naturally help cure by providing pawpaw seeds. @nedward should be able to help you with other treatment options.


What is the best treatment for cockdiosis
You need to seek for anticoccidial medication from vet stores e.g amprolium. This will kill the protozoa that causes the diseases. Then administer antibiotics as per vet prescription. You will have to put the birds on multivitamin therapy e.g Kuku formula. Have your birds on feeds fortified with coccidiostat as preventive measure. To control the diseases is by ensuring that the birds are on very dry environment. Avoid wetness especially around the watering area. Change the litter regularly and observe biosecurity.
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Please tell me what biosecurity is?
This simply means control of diseases that can be brought into your farm by other living things like visitors and other animals. Simply control entry of any living creature into your poultry unit other than the birds in there.