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Poultry Complicated coryza management


New member
Hello, how can one treat complicated coryza in chicken. I had three chicken with coryza, separated and treated them for three weeks but not improved. I treated with tylodoxine, ESB3, alisaryl and then cipro eyedrop. I had to dispose two when they became completely blind. I remained with one.


Infectious coryza is the most challenging bacterial disease to treat in poultry farm world wide especially for anyone practicing multiple age birds. Best practice to completelly eliminate this disease in your farm is all in all out because for simple reason bacteria causing infectious coryza can't withstand heat and chemical disinfectant and can only survive outside the host(poultry), for 2-3hrs. However can spread faster especially if you don't cull affected birds early in time. Antibiotics such as tylosin and erythromycin are effective because of their bacteriacidal properties however must be administered asper vet. Prescription otherwise resistance developes faster. Bacterins( vaccines) are available for prevention though strain specific. Your case now that they have been infected is to do inreased culling, have healthy birds in separated unit and don't allow any unhealthy bird to mix with the rest as the spread is much faster through intraconjuctiva( eye) and nasal routes.