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Other Crops crops for hot dry area


New member
I am interested in doing agricultural farming. the challenge I have is the climate of this area hot strong winds and dry almost to a desert .....how can I go about it...i can get access to water


Certified Expert
While preparing your farm layout ensure you have a border crop or trees which will act as windbreakers.

If its too dry u can consider drilling a borehole to get water for large scale farming.
If you intended to do subsistence farming then you can invest in vertical gardens that will require little amount of water.


New member
Write your reply...well but drilling a borehole will not work the fact its salt water again treating this water could even be more expensive


Certified Expert
Then it is important to do a water analysis to determine the pH of water and the EC. This will guide you to determine weather to use the water or not or how to treat the water.