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Poultry Facts about chicken fleas!


  • The type(s) of fleas that can affect your flock directly depends on where you live.
  • Fleas can cause anemia, decreased egg production, irritability, malaise, and restlessness.
  • Chickens fleas are less common than mites and poultry lice.
  • Fleas thrive during warmer months.
  • One of the best ways of preventing fleas is by keeping a clean and tidy chicken coop.
  • If you discover fleas, the chickens and the coop will need to be treated on the same day. A warm sunny day is best. Set aside plenty of time so that you are not rushed.
  • Try keeping fleas away by adding a few cloves of garlic to their water supply, using food grade diatomaceous earth in the coop and planting fresh herbs that deter fleas around the chicken coop and run, such as mint.
  • f you do develop a flea problem, the sooner you act the better. The adult fleas that you see only represents 5% of your flea population. The other 95% exists in egg and larvae form.
  • When treating your coop and flock for fleas it is often necessary to repeat the process again 10 to 14 days apart.
  • Often prevention and treatment for poultry pests including ticks, fleas, mites, and lice are identical or overlap


New member
I have had this problem of fleas for over six months now. What pesticides can I use to eliminate them. I have been using the ones used to control ticks in cattle


Some farmers have had success with Sevin dudu dust but others have not.

Another solution is to use livestock washing chemicals eg ectomin, delete, sepatix, simply pluck a feather after diluting the contest and use it to apply avoiding the ? eye.