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Poultry Feed formulation

Nyambura K

Please lysine isn’t mentioned in your formulation even pkc doesn’t mention can someone formulate feed without amino?
Our feed formulation course is meant to empower a farmer use locally available material for their own backyard farming. Whatever ingredients we have used are readily available to all if not most farmers.

Nyambura K

And please can you help Me to formulate chickmash and growers mash one tone please
Making a 70 kg chick mash (1 to 4 weeks)
Growing chicks require feed with Digestible Crude Protein (DCP) of between 18 to 20 percent. The following formulation can be used to make a 70 kg bag of layers chick mash:
  • 31.5kg of whole maize
  • 9.1kg of wheat bran
  • 7.0kg of wheat pollard
  • 16.8kg of sunflower (or 16.8 kg of linseed)
  • 1.5kg of fishmeal
  • 1.75 kg of lime
  • 30g of salt
  • 20g of premix
Amino acids
  • 70g of tryptophan
  • 3.0g of lysine
  • 10g of methionine
  • 70g of Threonine
  • 50g of enzymes
  • 60g of coccidiostat
  • 50g of toxin binder
Making a 70 kg bag of growers' mash (4 to 8 weeks)
Growers (pullets or young layers) should be provided with a feed having a protein content of between 16 and 18 percent. Such feed makes the young layers to grow fast in preparation for egg-laying:
  • 10kg of whole maize
  • 17kg of maize germ
  • 13kg of wheat pollard
  • 10kg of wheat bran
  • 6kg of cottonseed cake
  • 5kg of sunflower cake
  • 3.4kg of soya meal
  • 2.07kg of lime
  • 700g of bone meal
  • 3kg of fishmeal
Additives: 14g of salt, 1g of coccidiostat, 18g of Pre-mix, 1g of zinc bacitracin, 7g of mycotoxin binder.

How to Mix Chicken Feed
It is advisable to mix the macronutrients (amino acids) first. After you can add them to the rest of the ingredients and mix.
If you are making a small batch, a shovel will do. However, for larger quantities, a shovel is not recommended as it does not evenly distribute the nutrients.
For larger quantities, use a drum mixer. Drum Mixers are either powered or manual.
You can get one fabricated by a Jua Kali fundi or you can purchase a commercial one.

How to test the quality of your chicken feed
It is important to do trial batches first before making chicken feed in large quantities. This allows you to test the quality of your chicken feed. An easy way to test is:-
  1. Isolate a number of chicken.
  2. Feed them with your trial batch.
  3. Observe their performance. Broilers will add weight fast and layers will improve on egg production (the benchmark is at least one egg every 27 hours).
You can also have your feed tested in a laboratory. Kenya agricultural and livestock research organization (KALRO) has a testing laboratory in Naivasha.