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General Knowledge Fish production


@Mgonasipapune mgona , just like any other farming, fish production requires certain skills and knowlege which you have to be armed with before venturing into fish farming. This you can gain by attending trainings, through on farm learning or bench marking with other farmers in that line of production. That not withstanding you have to give your farming a commercial / business approach from the word go by this check list * do you own suitable land or space with reliable source of quaility water?is there sufficient demand for fish you want to produce?can you really devote the money, time and labour necessary labour?do you have enough resources to purchase the feed for the entire production cycle?have you Identified and are you able to deal with risks associated with fish farming?. If your first answer to eah of the above is a yes, then come on board and let this community assist you grow in your fish farming bussines.
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Ayubu Mwasote

Extension Officer
I want to start fish keeping what to start fishing keeping what are important things to consider

In order to start fishing farming consider the following.
  1. Land with quantity and qulity of water
  2. Feeds
  3. Healthly seeds (fingerlings)
  4. Markets
  5. Risk management (diseases, thefts, etc)
6.Record keeping and documentation

Remember feeds it covers up to 60% of the total production cost.
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Ayubu Mwasote

Extension Officer
I want to start fish keeping what are important things to consider

In order to start fishing farming consider the following :
  1. Land with quantity and quality water
  2. Quality seeds
  3. Feeds
  4. Ensure market
  5. Risk management (diseases, theft, etc.
  6. Record keeping and documentation

Remember feeds it covers up to 60% of total production cost.