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Mangoes Help please! -Why do the flowers fall off my mangoes every year?



Help me on how to produce more mangoes in my farm. The flowers tend to fall off nearly every year

Naomi Oron

I found this online for you...

How to cope with mango flowers often fall out?
  1. Meet Nut Requirements On the Plant
    Nutrient elements in mango plants are needed for plant fertility, especially if the mango plants are entering the flowering period. For that required fertilizer that can add nutrients to soil and plants. This you can give NPK fertilizer when the mango tree is flowering.
  2. Diligent Watering Mango Plants
    When the plants are in flowering, the water requirement is very much, so naturally if in the flowering period often occur due to dried tanak conditions and soil water permeability is not there. To overcome the mango flower often fall out, diligent watering in the morning and afternoon.
  3. Planting Mango Not Just One Staple
    What is the relationship between planting mangoes should not be just one staple with the loss of mango flower? You need to know that this mango fruit is one of the plants that have cross-pollination, so if in the flowering period there are no other mango trees, then pollination can only be done alone but only 20%. Because the rest of the cross-pollination between trees with each other.
  4. Providing Organic Supplements On Plants
    For this sweetener aims to minimize mango flower in the blossom when flowering. You can use a lot of brands sold in agriculture. If we usually use SOT sweetener (Organic Plant Supplements), which is a leading sweetener from PT HCS. Makara performance of this SOT can increase the harvest production more leverage than the previous period. This is because the SOT will strengthen the tissue in the roots and stems of plants, in addition to this SOT can also prevent and reduce the rate of falling flowers and fruits on the plant.
Source: https://steemit.com/cultivating/@al...falling-flowers-on-mango-plants-c5e1b2180064b