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Onions how to grow onions


Certified Expert
Consider the following factors
  • Variety
  • market
  • weather condition due to climatic changes
  • Capital
Nursery- prepare the nursery bed to a fine tilth by double digging and raising it to 15 cm height
Apply well decomposed manure and mix thoroughly with the soil
level the bed and make drills 2 cm deep and 15 cm apart
Sow the seeds singly this is achieved by mixing sand and onion seeds in ratio of 3:1 and cover them lightly
mulch and water.
watering should be done twice in a day depending with the weather condition
The bed should be 1m in width and desired length depending with the quantity of seeds to be sowed.

  • This takes place when the seedlings are 4-6 weeks ,pencil size in thickness, 10-15 cm tall and have 3-5 true leaves.
  • The nursery bed should be well watered before uprooting the seedlings.
  • The land should also be well prepared to fine tilth and well watered.
  • Transplanting should be done early in the morning or late in the evening or when the weather is cloudy. This prevents the transplanting shock.
The ideal spacing should be 8-10 cm intercrop distance and 15 cm inter row distance. Application of well decomposed manure is ideal and fertilizer application should be done in reference to the soil analysis. However DAP should be used during transplanting to encourage root development. Nitrogenous fertilizers are used during topdressing.
Common pest include thrips, onion flies and
Diseases include purple blotch, downy mildew.

Onions are ready for harvest after 4-5 weeks depending with the variety. Curing of the onions is done by uprooting every single stem and leaving it to dry after which leaves and roots are cut off with a sharp knife.
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What are the desired ecological factors...!

I recently set up a small nursery for bulb onions, and did the transplanting and they are budding well now...But I did this all in the blind, "let me just try out and see"...! This is all in Kiambu, Wangige area...!

I wonna now learn to farm for commercial purpose, in the small location.
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