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Onions How to grow onions.

Najjuma Prossy

New member
I am young farmer in banana and coffee but now i want to invest in onions . can you give me detailed information on how to start onion growing and fertilizer, seeds, i need mostly. l will be glad if you help

Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
@Prossy welcome, onion production starts from raising seedlings from nursery through the following process.

- Do nursery site Identification and selection ( ensure the following factors)
-Accessible and secure
-Near to water source
-Open and away from shade
-Land not previously on onions or family related crop
-Not area prone to floods and water logging
- gently slope or near flat surface
NB. Mostly applicable where seedlings are raised on traditional bed method whereas is they are to be raised in seedlings trays then some of these factors may not apply.

Dig land early, make a raised bed 1M×any length depending on quantity of seeds available and seedlings you need × 15-20 cm deep.
-Apply well decomposed farm yard manure properly mixed
- apply approx. 1-2 KGS of SSP or DAP and incorporate well to the soil to avoid scorching effects
-sow you seeds at the rate of 140g per acre by doing drill/ furrows 5cm apart and seeds covered with thin layer of soil.
-Erect shade over the nursery using shade net or plants material
-Keep your nursery moist but not excessively watered. Do watering twice a day (early in the morning and evening.
- Monitor diseases like dumping off by managing well amount of water applied if noticed apply appropriate fungicide to control or treatment. Coper based fungicide or those with Manncozeb as active ingredient

- From 14th day you start reducing shading material gradually to expose seedlings to external environment (beginning of hardening off) by beginning of week 3 then the entire shade material is removed and watering intervals extended ultimately stop watering as you prepare the seedlings in their last week in the nursery before transplanting.


Now that seedlings are ready the field aimed to receive them should also be ready too done and prepared when soils are dry and fine tilth achieved.
- 4 tonnes per acre of well decomposed manure available and incorporated in the soil
-80kgs of D.A.P available for planting
-make holes at spacing of 30cm×10cm
-Make sure you're transplanting in the evening or early in the morning and soil moisture is at field capacity
-A bout 120kg of CAN is also required applied in two equal splits beginning from month old young crops.
-Keep the field weeds ,pests and diseases free.
- Onions take around 140 days to mature
-when bulbs start forming ensure soils around the root zones are loose to enable maximum enlargement
-2-3 weeks towards maturity when upper part of the onion leaves start yellowing or drying, it's advisable to break the neck slightly a above soil surface to enable small neck size and attractive shape.

Any suggestions and additional information are welcome