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Other Fruits and Nuts how to start watermelon

Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
I identify land, well drained fertile soil.
this land should not have been in water melon production in the last three seasons
Do your research on market
Get certified seeds( F1 varieties e.g Sukari F1)
Prepare land well, when soils are dry
Be ready with enough fertilizer/manure, pesticides and fungicides.
Ensure right plant population, and weed free field.


New member
Thank you so much Mr Alfred Opio I have five (5) acres of fresh land in kirihura kazo very close to the road am very much interested in watermelon farming but am ain't of market since I have never any watermelon plantation in our area how can I get market sir.

Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
Hi Rwashaph, from which county is this area? Besides am happy you mentioned that nobody is growing watermelon those regions i guess this creates suitable market niche for you before considering other regions you only need to do it right agronomically and with proper timing when local demand/ consumption is at its peak because it's fairly profitable to service local market than targeting cross-region markets which will automatically demand other extra costs.Before you venture into this have ever considered finding out why farmers around your place haven't been doing it? could it be natural factors that will also impact negatively on your case? with natural factors I refer to soil conditions, temperatures and certain wildlife as pests? Please establish suitability of that area in regard to these elements before investment.

NB. Market isn't a problem already you've more than what you service around you, once started doing it then let people know that you're growing them. I believe you're a.member to at least one FB group, WhatsApp, etc.what do you think sharing updates from your farm to them regularly and guess how you will meet an overwhelming interests and demands.

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New member
For the case wildlife as pests am having a strategy fence all around farm hope nk animals or pest to attack the field or may be otherwise pests and diseases


New member
For the case wildlife as pests am having a strategy fence all around farm hope no animals or pest to attack the field or may be otherwise pests and diseases I want to make this as a big investment so long as there is market am just worried on market