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Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
Perhaps you're among the underprivileged farmers, kitchen gardeners or small scale growers who do not have permanent water source (a river, abore hole, a well),municipal piped water from which you can get water to irrigate your small plot for maximum production or your financial muscles does not allow establishment of modern and properly reenforced dams. Having such numerous disadvantages and inabilities can only be solved by creativity and innovations that's how the idea of SAND BAGS AND POND LINNERS come to play.

During rainy season alot of water go to waste un tapped even there are numerous methods and surfaces both natural and man made that can be used as rain water catchment and harvesting place and consequently stored for such purposes like irrigation.
Surfaces that can be used to harvest rain water inclined
-Roof catchment
- Rock catchment
-Road side catchment
- Cemented ground surface
These surfaces will enable large amount of rain water to accumulate and be channeled towards your storage structure via PVC pipe(s), ditches or small cannals dug towards your dam (storage structure).
Construction of sand bag dam linned with pond liner
step 1- identify a site preferably flat ground, at higher elevation that your farming plot and if possible close to the farm.
Step.2- look for gunny bags or used cement bags and fill them with sand ensure tightly tied at both ends or closed
step.3 arrange the bags filled with sand in whichever shape circular or rectangular maximum of 1 meter in height. Sand bags will act as embarkment/Wall to hold water stored inside. If you can manage at least two rows all round the better.
Step.4 put the pond/dam liner at floor when it's one piece folded also to cover the inner wall to hold water without leakage or seepage. Ensure the cannal(s) or pipes from catchment point will effectively dispense its water to the dam with minimum loss. You can see below18841884

Newton Balesa

New member
Perhaps you're among the underprivileged farmers, kitchen gardeners or small scale growers who do not have permanent water source (a river, abore hole, a well),municipal piped water from which you can get water to irrigate your small plot for maximum production or your financial muscles does not allow establishment of modern and properly reenforced dams. Having such numerous disadvantages and inabilities can only be solved by creativity and innovations that's how the idea of SAND BAGS AND POND LINNERS come to play.

During rainy season alot of water go to waste un tapped even there are numerous methods and surfaces both natural and man made that can be used as rain water catchment and harvesting place and consequently stored for such purposes like irrigation.
Surfaces that can be used to harvest rain water inclined
-Roof catchment
- Rock catchment
-Road side catchment
- Cemented ground surface
These surfaces will enable large amount of rain water to accumulate and be channeled towards your storage structure via PVC pipe(s), ditches or small cannals dug towards your dam (storage structure).
Construction of sand bag dam linned with pond liner
step 1- identify a site preferably flat ground, at higher elevation that your farming plot and if possible close to the farm.
Step.2- look for gunny bags or used cement bags and fill them with sand ensure tightly tied at both ends or closed
step.3 arrange the bags filled with sand in whichever shape circular or rectangular maximum of 1 meter in height. Sand bags will act as embarkment/Wall to hold water stored inside. If you can manage at least two rows all round the better.
Step.4 put the pond/dam liner at floor when it's one piece folded also to cover the inner wall to hold water without leakage or seepage. Ensure the cannal(s) or pipes from catchment point will effectively dispense its water to the dam with minimum loss. You can see belowView attachment 1884View attachment 1884