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Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
@naheka sorry late response however check on the attached article below for your guidance, please feel free to ask for any further clarification if you still need more insight

Growing Sunflowers
Sunflower is a crop which, compared to other crops, performs well under drought conditions; this is probably the main reason for the crop’s popularity in the marginal areas of Kenya. Unfortunately, the crop is particularly sensitive to high soil temperatures during emergence and it is especially in the sandy soil where it results in poor or erratic plant density.

The Sunflower plant is a major oil crop in south-west Kenya. It is a source of high quality edible vegetable oil. South-west Kenya is in the Lake Victoria region and is suitable for sunflower farming. To address constraints such as low production, research has been undertaken by KARI targeting small-scale farmers who are vulnerable to food and nutritional insecurity.

In large parts of the sunflower-producing areas, the soil has acidified dramatically during the last decade. Consequently, molybdenum shortages often occur and are possibly one of the greatest yield-limiting factors. The crop is very susceptible to bird damage and for this reason, it cannot be cultivated at all in some areas. On the positive side, however, the drought tolerance and low input cost of the crop are major advantages.

The short growing season of the crop, which has the consequence that it can be planted over a period of at least three months, renders it extremely suitable for producers who make use of adaptable crop rotation and/or fallow systems. In any case, sunflower is a crop that only belongs in a crop rotation system.

Sunflower Farming in Kenya – The Sunflower Plant

The sunflower plant is extremely adaptable to tropical environmental conditions with temperatures as low as zero (0) degrees Celsius. It does not require high temperatures but moderately warm conditions. It can thrive in Kenya if grown from sea level of between 0m up to 2500m.
Sunflower crop is of various varieties but two main types exist. These are:-

Tall varieties

The tall varieties are open pollinated and can grow to a height of 5-8 ft i.e 1.5m-2.4m. The most grown local varieties are:-

Hungarian white
Kenya fedha
Kenya shaba
Grey stripped
Dwarf varieties

The dwarf varieties are normally hybrids and grow to a height of 4 ft (1.2m). They have smaller heads. The most common local dwarf varieties include:-

Pan 7352
Pan 7369
Rainfall:- A rainfall amount of 500-750mm annually is sufficient for better yields. Good yields can also be obtained even with less than 250mm of rainfall.
In areas of short rain periods, the dwarf hybrid varieties are advisable as they have a shorter maturity period.

Soils:- It is grown in many soil types of moderate fertility. It does well on light-rich calcareous or alluvial soils with a PH of 6.0-7.5. The sunflower plant is a heavy feeder of soil nutrients and therefore enough nutrients should be available.

Light:- The daylight is not critical for sunflower production especially when all other conditions are favorable.

Crop Cycle:- Less than 100 to a maximum of 160 days

Temperature:- It is primarily a zero temperature crop and is more resistant to frost and drought than maiza or soybean. Tropical lowlands induce premature flowering and high temperatures inhibit seed set.
Land preparation :- land preparation begin early during dry spell nearly a month before rains and transplanting time. A fine tilth must be achieved to enhance uniform germination
Spacing: sunflower are spaced at 75cm×30cm.
Fertilizer:- an acre requires two bags of 50kgs each. at planting
Weed Control:- Narrow rows are favoured for the promotion of an early canopy closure, which depresses weed growth and assists as a soil conservation measure. Well managed tillage by cross harrowing or by inter-row cultivation should suffice for weed control.
Chemical weed control may also be done by applying selective herbicide to kill grass weeds

Sunflower Farming in Kenya – Pests and Diseases


The most common diseases are:-

Stem and Head rot: White mycelium attacks roots, stem, and head. Infected parts shrink and rots.

Downy mildew: Loose white mycelia on the lower surface of the leaves.

White blister rust: White spores on the lower surface of the leaf. Raised pale yellow portions on upper leaf surface stem

Charcoal rot: Discoloured stems at the base internal stems appear shredded.

Brown (leaf) rust: Reddish brown spores on both leaf surfaces.

Grey mold: Mase of grey mycelia penetrating into the heads causing rot.


The most common pests attacking the sunflower crop include:-

Cutworm: cuts seedlings at the ground level. Controlled by use of 35% EC at 1.56kg/Ha.

Semi loopers: Older larvae skeletonize leaves. Controlled by use of dip Terex cypermethrin

Birds: Eats maturing seeds. Controlled by use of birds scaring devices.

African bollworm: Eats leaves and developing seeds. They can be controlled by using dip Terex 95% off 13kg/Ha or cypermethrin 1L/Ha.
Most sunflower varieties matures after 90-120 days from date of planting.
Harvest sunflowers when their petals become dry and begin to fall. The green base of the head will turn yellow and eventually brown. Seeds will look plump and the seed coats will be fully black or black and white stripes depending on the variety. If animals or birds are a problem, you can cover the heads with fine netting or paper bags as soon as the petals begin to wilt.
How to Harvest Sunflower Seeds
While most growers agree on when to harvest sunflowers, how to harvest sunflowers seeds is largely a matter of preference and neither method provides a greater yield.
One method for harvesting sunflower seeds allows the seeds to fully ripen on the stem. When seeds are fully ripened and just beginning to loosen from the head, cut the stem about one inch below the head. Now briskly rub the seeds from the head with your hand, blow off the chaff and allow the seeds to dry before storing.
The second method for harvesting sunflowers begins when about two-thirds of the seeds are mature. Cut a longer piece of stem. 3 to 4 inches works well. Wrap a paper bag around the head and hang the heads in in a well ventilated area for a few weeks to dry. Make sure the area is warm, but not hot

Signs that the flowers are mature include:
The petals fall off the flower.
The back of the flower looks dry and brown.
The seeds are plump and noticeable.
They are black and you can see brown stripes.
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