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Beans increasing bean yields?


New member
I need knowledge on bean farming so as to increase yields as recently i do harvest three sacks of beans per acre.

Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
@Mwaiadili for increased yields in beans farming, you have to follow correct agronomic practices in regards to beans. Basically the following must be observed and done

-Early land preparations(3-4 weeks before onset of rains)
-Purpose to plant right seeds- certified
- if rainfed then chech maturity period of the variety in respect to rainfall distribution and availability in your region
- Ensure plants spacing is observed
- in soils poor in organic matter, use of farm yard manure is recommended
- at planting apply 200kgs/ha
- top dress with 100kgs/ha when crops are three true leaves old and again at the onset of flowering.
-Application of foliar fertilizer e.g Rapid grow, Omex starting from one Month old at two weeks interval until mid podding stage.
-keep the field weeds, pests and diseases free
- ensure there's little or no moisture stress at flowering and pods setting stage.