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Chickens indegeneous poultry with low egg laying



I have been trying to raise the indegeneous poultry for years but they never pass 30.
I try to reach all better standards of rearing but the rate of egg laying is si low.
What might be the problem?


Hello @Josunsco, there are many things that relate to a drop in egg production. Please look at the checklist I attached and read the article below that I found online.


So you think your chicken isn’t laying well? Maybe they’re not. Laying eggs is a daylight sensitive business. Commercial egg production uses artificial light to trick the chicken into laying consistently through cold seasons. You don’t need a rooster to get your chicken to lay eggs, only if you want those eggs to be fertile. Here are some things on how to get more eggs from chickens

1. Confine your chicken for a minimum of 72 hours
24 hours won’t do it. 48 might, but to be sure you need the full three-day treatment. If chicken is free ranging and have got used to laying somewhere other than their nest box they’ll hold on to their next egg a surprisingly long time in the hope they’ll be able to get to their favorite nesting spot. If egg numbers drop I keep the girls in their run for a week to get them re-accustomed to laying in the box and then let them out to free range daily again. I’m always surprised at the increase in egg numbers.

Don’t believe me because you can’t find the eggs? If your dog has a very glossy coat, bright eyes, and fruity farts, you’ve got your number one suspect. You could try following the chicken when you let them out, as an alternative to keeping them confined. In my experience, this can be a long, laborious and frustrating search. Chicken can lead you a merry dance and be very wily. You may be lucky though and find a very happy chicken sitting on a pile of 20 or so eggs of indeterminate age.

***How you do this depends on your chicken house set up. I’m not suggesting battery hen style confinement here. Just an arrangement where you can locate all the nesting alternatives.

2. Keep young hens
Young hens lay the most eggs. Each year a hen lays she’ll lay fewer eggs than the previous year. The drop-off rate for the most productive laying hens is the steepest. You’ll find ex-battery hens won’t lay many eggs after their second season. Heavier breeds can still be laying well after five years, but still not as well as they did in their first two years.

3. Reduce their stress
Overcrowding, young roosters fighting and insufficient places to hide (from each other or hawks) can all be stressful for a chicken. Improve their environment and you’ll get more eggs.

4. Deal with broody chicken quickly
Chicken usually go broody between October and February, but some chicken seem to like sitting on the nest more than anything else in life. It’s notoriously contagious in the chicken run. Once one starts, all the others want a piece of the inaction. Get some fertile eggs for her to sit on somewhere away from the rest of the flock. If you don’t want chicks, break the broodiness or lend your broody chicken to someone who does want to raise them.

5. Improve nest box comfort
Damp or mouldy bedding, itchy mites or too much light make for an unattractive nest box in a chicken’s eyes. Make sure you give your chicken somewhere they want to come home to lay. However many nest boxes you give them, they’ll all try to use the same one, possibly at the same time. Sometimes they’ll form a squabbly queue, with the top chicken getting to lay first.

6. Supplement their diet
All those feathers can hide a multitude of sins. Pick your hens up from time to time to find out if they feel fat or skinny. Producing a 70 g high-protein egg a day for a bird weighing less than 2 kg is a mammoth task that can take its toll. Chicken are omnivorous and benefit from daily greens, grains, and grubs. They’ll eat plenty while they’re free ranging but burn a fair amount off on their long-distance hikes foraging for provisions. Provide high-quality rations and you and your chickens will reap the rewards.

7. Keep a different breed of chicken
If you’ve got hi-line or red shaver chicken they may continue laying through winter without a break. Older breeds and bantams tend to take a well-earned rest, particularly when they are molting in autumn. Each breed has a slightly different personality. Try a few to see which suits you best.

This article was found on Bizna Kenya at this link: https://biznakenya.com/how-to-get-more-eggs-from-chickens/


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Elly, thank you for your help. I have seen some of the errors i have been doing and need to correct them. Some of the errors is that of keeping fighting roosters together yet the hens are still in the same fold.I think that has been the main problem. However there are those other small-small errors and i think they have also affected my hens.
The issue of egg laying is a concern and am happy you responded to it. The thing here is that my hen can stay up to 3 weeks without laying. Its true i have not been restricting them for a full day. Most of the time i free them at eight in the morning and lock them at seven in the evening. May this be a course of making them not to lay eggs everyday?
I am still wondering how a hen is able to hold back an egg in her body yet the egg is fully developed. According to what i know, once the egg is released from the ovum, it takes a minimum of 22 hours to reach the uterus and get layed, is the egg held in the uterus or where , bearing in mind that the following egg is in the process of development?
At what age can i stand confidently and say,'This hen is hold?', maybe the answer to this question will help me sort my hens to age and level of productivity.



@Josunsco I apologize for the delay I must have missed the questions.

The fact that they are not outdoors most of the time should not be a huge issue. Proper nutrition and external stresses may be the issue of why your birds are not laying properly.

Additionally, the maturity of a hen is 1.5-2 years (depending on the breed) so they will not lay well after that. Check out this comparison chart of different breeds.
