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Poultry Mealworms


Mealworm are larval stage of mealworm bettle. They are good source of protein for poultry. Meal worm thrive best in warm humid environment and can feed on wheat, rice, oats which are normally used as bedding and substrate for the worms,. In addition they feed on potato, carrot and apple peals. No additional water is needed. So to grow your mealworm, y will need the substrate, plastic container with a lid, mealworm bettle. Have your sustrate / bedding in the container, introduce your mealworm bettles that you can source from farmers already in the bussines( place your order via market place),cover the container with a paforated lid. Give the bettles time to undergo metamorphosis as you prepare to collect your worms which are the larval stage. Remember to change the substrate regularly during the process to avoid it getting moldy which will upset the worms.