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Poultry Microbial decomposition of sawdust or wood shavings to make feeds for your birds.

Microbial decomposition of sawdust or wood shavings to make feeds for your birds in free range area.
First you need to have a free range area for your chicken..fill it with alot of sawdust or wood shavings.
1.Visit your nearest agrovet and purchase EM-1 which is a chemical that accelerates the decomposition process.
2. Mix it 400ml in every 20 liters of water.
3. Sprinkle it on the sawdust in the free range area of your birds, sawdust decomposes very fast, so the bottom layer of the sawdust will start decomposing and it will attract insects and maggots will also start forming. Do this once every week so that the decomposition process can be abit slow.
4. Release your birds into the free range area and as they scratch into the sawdust they will find alot of insects and maggots which are very nutritious.PicsArt_07-30-09.31.35.png