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Moringa oleifera is the most nutritious botanical on earth.No antibiotic beats the medicinal power of moringa too.Though consumed for thousands of years in Africa, it contains all the essential amino acids, more vitamin c than oranges, more vitamin A than carrots, and is enriched in key phytocompounds essential to natural anti-flammatory responce.
Moringa Oleifera is the best way to keep your chicken strong, healthy and disease free.

Just one gram of moringa contains:
1-7 times the vitamin C of oranges
2-4 times vitamin A of carrots
3-4 times the calcium of a cow's milk
4-3 times the potassium of bananas
5-2 times the proteins of yoghurt

Moringa is very essential in controlling human blood pressure and cancer related cells can be suppressed by continuous use of the herb.....In poultry production, moringa is good for boosting production of eggs and increasing the quality of end products. .Continued use of antibiotics makes birds develop resistance to these drugs which is not the case with natural herbs.....go natural in order to maximize profit in poultry production.
If interested in getting a tin of moringa, hit our inbox or leave your order in the comments section..
Prices are:ksh 200
Ksh 100
Depending on the quantity needed. ...missible in water and can be mixed with food too.....
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