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Other Fruits and Nuts pawpaws

Richard Semo

New member
I got some challenges on growing my 150 trees of pawpaw's. The truth is that the tress have reached stage of putting fruit but the leaves at the heart of the fruit become yellow and fall off eventually no leaves on top but lower leaves remain heathty. I wonder wat this cud be though I have treated them with fungcides like ridomil and also given them all necessary fertilizers

Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
Hi Richard from your description, I guess you're talking about Papaya dieback disease, caused by phtoplasma which if you check keenly you will notice some insects which are the vectors contributing to the spread of the disease, to control the disease use a systemic insecticide to reduce vector presence in your farm and same time try rouging as a cultural method on affected plants (rouging here I mean destroy and remove from the farm affected plants)
Would you please share a photo of affected crop for further elaboration since we have several strains of phytoplasmas causing other closely related and look alike disease.