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Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
Fertilizers are important inputs of production specifically on crop husbandry to supplement natural soil fertility that keeps on reducing time after time or season after the other as a result of:
Crop utilization, Leaching, Volatilization, Microbial depletion among other factors. Fertilizers are made available for crop utilization either through the leaves (foliar) or at the soil root zones dissolved in water (fertigation) or granular. These fertilizers contains different elements which are broadly categorized as Macro/Major or Micro/minor elements in regard to the quantity taken up by plants. Macro elements in a fertilizer combination whether straight or compound are:
Phosphorus: P
Potassium: K

In most cases in a compound fertilizer the composition are denoted as NPK. In this article I want us to specifically narrow down to Potassium-K which I have branded as "THE QUALITY NUTRIENT ELEMENT" and I believe you will also find out why.
Potassium plays a major role in quality parameters as far as growth, development even yield are concerned, so many researchers have ranked it to be seconding Nitrogen if at all if such comparison can be made. It's obvious from the category where it belongs crops need it in large quantity but besides the quantity requirements it also gives array of quality benefits ranging from Shape,size,color,taste just to enlist a few.
Q.Why shoulders a farmer has to ensure enough potassium in the soil?
Potassynthesis is critical during biological processes in crop growth and development systems I.e osmotic potential and osmotic/turgor pressure balance which in turn ensure opening and closing of stomata, these processes help in regulation of CO² uptake, water uptake from the soil by osmosis, absorption of dissolved nutrients. Closing and opening of stomata also minimizes water losses through the leaves hence make the plants drought tolerant.
Potassium is also a requirement in most enzymes activation for production of:-
-ATP- Adenosine Tri phosphate responsible for energy production
- Starch and protein synthesis.
Q. Why are these important?
Perfect starch synthesis is a crucial chemical process helping grain corps to give better yield with good size,taste,shape and color and
In root crops such cassava, potatoes arrow roots etc it gives pigmentation characteristics.
-For legumes Potassium is responsible for synthesis and accumulation of proteins, give shape and distinctive coloration
In legumes also energy synthesis from ATP is highly need to enhance symbiotic relationship with specific soil micro bacters which in turn benefit the farmer in converting atmospheric Nitrogen gas to absorbable nitrates for crop use
Q. How will you know that your soil is deficient of Potassium?
-In severe case, old leaves show necrosis (dead tissues on leaf margin)
-Curling of leaf tips
- purple spots may also be noticed underside of the leaves
-root,stem,seed and leaf development reduce drastically.
  • short internodes in grains and sugarcane
  • poor tasting of seeds, less sugary oranges,bananas,pineapples e.t.c
  • in potatoes blue-green dull leaves
-inter venial chlorosis
-Tuber size reduces
In brassicas - blue green colored leaf
-Scorched leaf along leaf edges
-tough leaf surface
In tomatoes woody stems, slow growth and blue-green Color on leaves.
Q. What is then the remedy/solution?
  • it's important to conduct a soil tests and analysis in respect to the specific crop a farmer intends to grow before or during land preparation
  • A comprehensive soil analysis report will have recommendations that a farmer is required to interprete appropriately on his/her own but if unable should seek guidance from qualified agronomist, then act as per the recommendations.
  • Soil water holding capacity should also be improved since potassium is highly soluble and can also get lost through leaching (it's relatively high in Sandy soils)
-From recommendations the following inorganic fertilizers can be applied to remedy or supplement the needed
-Murate of potash(potassium chloride)
-Potassium Nitrates
-NPK fertilizer with higher K percentage like 17:17:17 or 20:10:20 e.t.c
Organic Manures made from the following:-
Compost manure made from banana and/or potatoes peels
  • Adding of organic Ash. (Wood ash)
  • Application of Rossasol K as forliar formulated fertilizer.

I wish you a great farming experience.
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