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Potatoes Potato farming


New member
Am new in farming with a quarter acre and I want to do potatoe farming in Narok near Mau forest, how do I do it good

Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
Before starting I hope the plot wasn't under potatoes/crops in the potatoes family in a period less than 3 consecutive seasons for mono cropping is a predisposition to disease and pest to subsequent crops. This not withstanding begin by proper land preps I.e before rains
-Achievement of fair tilth is important since high germinating % is achieved by this.
-Go for the specific variety that does well in your area and consumer preference
- make prior order of certified seeds
- Have ready planting fertilizer DAP/NPK -with highest %tage of P.(1/4 acre require 50kgs)
-plant at the onset of rain to maximize utilization of nitrogen flush.
-To highest plant population / germination percentage which critical for high yield, you pre-germinate your seeds before planting.
- plants spacing should be checked
These are basics for excellent start. Agronomic management specific to potatoes we can discuss as you progress. Thanks
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