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Poultry Poultry disease management

Henry Ken Korir

Active member
Am really perturbed on how farmers dreams are turned down just at the verge of reaping from their hard work. Newcastle disease, coccidiosis and other preventable poultry diseases are killing most birds in my region at around August to December. These are the seasons when chicken is at high demand but what a loss when the deadly disease wipe out all your flock after toiling for 4 - 6 months in aim to sell at a profit. With the launch of my poultry farm at around February 2020, I would like to introduce a vaccination program for the entire region in a manner affordable for all. Will ask the farmers in the village in the whole region to form groups of 4 - 6 farmers that have approx total sum of 100 - 200 birds. The group will share the ratio cost of a vaccine depending on the number of birds one has e.g. NCD and would be affordable for everyone.Most farmers have 10 - 50 birds and see not worth to purchase a vaccine meant for 100 or 200 birds. Please assist with your views on how to make it better because will try my best to announce in one of local radio station when each a vaccine program should commence until all vaccination is accomplished for all or most killer diseases.
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You are thinking in the right direction it would be better in the long run to form a cooperative so that you benefit from economies of scale by pulling resource together and buying vaccines etc as a group as opposed to individual. If well organized can even organize and invite experts for more advice to the farmers on how to commercialize poultry farming.