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Soil fertility refers to the ability of the soil to supply nutrients and water to sustain plant growth.

Organic matter plays a vital role in determining soil fertility, which consists of plants and animal residues at different stages of decomposition. The composition of the organic matter and the breakdown rate affect the soil structure, porosity and soil moisture-holding capacity.

Many farmers, knowingly or unknowingly, engage in farming practices or activities that affect organic matter in soil resulting to a decline in soil fertility.

While on a visit to a farm recently, I found the farmer busy preparing the land for planting. From a distance, I could see fumes of smoke from the farm, an indication that she was burning crop residues.

This is an old method of clearing land before ploughing but it is still being practised to date, especially at this particular time as farmers prepare their land for long rains season planting.

Burning affects soil organic matter since it kills all the living organism in the soil reducing fertility. Normally, the organic matter in the soil buffers the pH and reduces the salinity effect. By burning the crop residue, we destroy the organic matter and leave ash that increases the soil pH.

Burning also reduces the soil moisture content and increase the soil temperatures affecting the activities of micro-organisms in the soil.

Plant residue should always be incorporated in the soil to increase the organic matter content, which improves the physical condition of the soil particularly the structure.

Deep ploughing also affects decomposition of organic matter and leaves the ground bare facilitating wind and water erosion. Conservation agriculture methods that entail a combination of different techniques such as minimum tillage or no-tillage with a protective cover crop help minimize nutrients loss.

Continuous cropping or monoculture also leads to decrease in the nutrient content level and total soil fertility, ultimately resulting in reduction of crop yields. This is due to nutrient depletion in the soils following continuous absorption of similar nutrients from the root zones and no efforts to replenish them. Intercropping should, therefore, be practised, for instance, by planting maize and beans, with the latter helping to fix nitrogen which contributes to the general soil fertility.

Planting different crops routinely further allows the land to remain fertile since not all crop nutrients are used each season. A farmer can, therefore, adapt three to four rotation crops such planting beans, sukuma wiki (collard green), tomatoes and onions.


Its critical for a farmer to understand the components and characteristics of different fertilizers since wrong methods of application unknowingly results to decline in soil fertility.

Application of nitrogenous fertilizers during planting results to leaching of nutrients since they are highly soluble in water hence go beyond the root zones.

Normally, nitrogenous fertilizers facilitate the vegetative growth of the plants thus using it as a basal fertilizer will not benefit the plant as expected.

Apply phosphate fertilizers during planting since they facilitate roots development and are not soluble in water thus are not easily leached.

Nitrogenous fertilizers are highly hygroscopic, therefore, leaving them uncovered results to nutrients loss before the plants take them.

While using drip irrigation system, farmers should embrace fustigation with a soluble fertilizer such as urea since its cheaper. Using fustigation method to apply insoluble fertilizers such as DAP results to blocking of the drip lines emitter hence it is not encouraged

Use of either acidic or basic fertiliser changes the pH, which in turn affects the activities of micro-organisms resulting in a decrease in organic matter. A farmer should be aware of the fertilizers he uses depending on the soil status.

Farmers should, therefore, observe the chemical usage rates to avoid overuse and proper disposal of the chemical bottles to ensure sustainability by taking care of the environment.


One should also use manure as this helps to increase the soil organic matter and builds the structure. Growing crops up to vegetative stages and then applying organic manure plays a critical role in improving the soil fertility.

By Ann Macharia.
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