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General Knowledge Soil Analysis for increased Profitability

Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
Soil is the most important tool in farming business therefore soil health is paramount irrespective of farm size.

Why soil analysis/testing important to a farmer

For crops to do well as it's expectation to every farmer for subsistence or commercially, the soil apart from offering physical anchorage and support through the roots need to be fertile (rich in plants food)

A fertile soil may essentially mean one which able to supply plants with right quality and quantity of macro nutrients (NPK), micro elements, water, is well aerated, has a suitable PH for a particular crop and is free from soil borne pests and diseases.

Being that the above properties are mixtures of physical, chemical and biological backgrounds and may not be wholesomely possible to be determined by a mere look therefore laboratory soil test and analysis is of essence.

A soil test will determine and give recommendations on macro nutrients: N-nitrogen, P-Phosphate, K-Potassium. Micro elements like calcium, magnesium, boron etc which are also important through soil test a farmer will be in a position to know elements available in sufficient amount, those that are insufficient will also be pointed out with recommendations on quantity to be added. PH of the soil (acidity or alkalinity level) is also established with recommendations as per the suitability of the crop in question, humus and microorganisms (biological factors) are also outlined. With all this vital pieces of information before planting the farmer will be able to do the following:
  • Do appropriate corrective measures to lower/raise soil PH to suit the requirements of the crop to be grown
  • To apply fertilizer which are only supplying the missing/insufficient elements
  • To improve water holding capacity
  • To do pre-planting control measures to manage pests and diseases.
Benefits of soil testing
By utilizing this services and adopting integrated fertilizer recommendations soil health will be replenished hence improved crop yield
  • Improved productivity
  • High level of profitability
  • Farm sustainability
  • Minimum input cost.
Soil testing may be done as frequent as possible however it's recommended after period of 3-4 years.

Check out my next article a bout effects of soil PH on crop performance and why it's important to be tested..... .
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