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Vegetables Soil solarization & seedling raising


New member
Can please guide me soil solarization & the disadvantage of it if one intend to grow tomatoes after it (2) how can I go about seedling raising my self, when I can not find any company doing it here in my area.

Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
Can please guide me soil solarization & the disadvantage of it if one intend to grow tomatoes after it (2) how can I go about seedling raising my self, when I can not find any company doing it here in my area.
Good morning? Solarization is basically soil treatment method using solar energy. The intended section/piece of land is covered airtight with polythene (greenhouse) polythene for at least 14 days or more this will generate too much heat to kill weed seeds, fungi and soil bacteria and many more.

    • it may a well destroy/kill beneficial soil microbes

    • It's expensive and labour intensive
*Solarization can be done to plots for nusery seedlings production or fields for growing tomatoes and other crops.
Raising of seedlings
There are two ways through which you can raise tomatoes seedlings
a) traditional/common nursery bed method, where you choose a suitable site:-
-fertile and well drained soil
-near water source
- away from permanent shades like trees, or building
b) use of seedlings trays under shade nets or cool place
you mentioned your region, where are you? perhaps I may give some leads to sell you ready seedlings.
kindly visit this link to learn morehttps://www.mkulima.co/threads/preparing-bed.10272/post-19783
Thanks and welcome
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