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General Knowledge 'Solarization' a broad base technique to manage Weeds,Fungi,Bacteria and Nematodes

Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
is an environmental friendly method of using solar power in controling and management of soil fungi, bacteria, nematodes weed seeds , pests and other disease causing pathogens and insects pests. No agrochemicals are applied for soil treatment.
In this technique, soil is covered with a film of translucent polythene when it's moistened and the sin heats the soil to temperature levels that kill bacteria, fungi, insects, nematodes and weed seeds.
-Soil solarization work well on heavy soils eg loam, clay or mixture of the she as opposed to light Sandy soils. Heavy soils hold water for a longer period to produce steam when heated.
For sandy soils one may be required to instal drip lines underneath the polythene to constantly moist the soil as the set up remains intact.

1 clear the are in target by removing plant remains and ploughed
2.water the area thoroughly until soil is wet.
  1. cover the are area with a clear /translucent polythene sheet the smaller the microns (thickness of the polythene) the better.
  2. burry the plastic polythene edges into the soil to trap maximum heat.
  3. Leave the plastic sheet un interrupted for a minimum of 4weeks in a hot summer season.
  4. Add compost manure as away of reintroducing colony of beneficial microbacters and azotobacters that may have been destroyed through the process.
Merits of Solarization
-Gives significant long term and short term control of weeds
-Easiest way of managing chemical traces/residual effects on food we eat thus attaining global/ Europe gap standards
- Reduce cost of production since where fungicides, pesticides, herbicides or manual weeding was to be done is managed and controlled at a single technique.
-Easy way to run at organic farming method

Beneficial soil organisms are also affected however reintroduction is done by use of organic manure.

See below photographic attachment on solarization.


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