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Soya Beans soya bean advice

Jack Wafula

New member
Am interested in soya bean farming.
Anybody with technical know how to,assist.
I have 20 acres of land and capital of 200,000


Certified Expert
To start with this kind of investment requires analysis of different factors such as market, water availability, soil analysis and environmental conditions of your locality.

You require a business plan to identify the investment cost, production cost and marketing cost. This will help you to identify the break even point or if the business is viable or not in terms of profit making.
Its important to also have a crop budget evaluating all the cost to be inquired.
On the other side start small and grow big probably you can start with 5 acres and progressively increase in size.

Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
..... Or probably you can as well consider contract farming with this corporate companies which usually contract Soya bean farmers, they will offer you day to day technical assistance, definitely you Will have guaranteed buyer and price additionally you may also consider crop insurance at least to transfer your risks PLEASE MY CONTRIBUTION DOESN'T OVERRULE ANN'S but only additional thought to make your farming experience successful and profitable. Thanks