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Poultry Super enzyme


Super enzymes are exogenous enzymes included in feed to catalyze digestion. Poultry digestive system isn't efficient enough to digest effectively None starch polysaccharides (NSP) as is found in most feed ingredients. Inclusion of additional exogenous enzymes in form of supper enzymes aids in boosting the inherent system in breaking down the feed hence efficient feed utilization and minimize environmental pollution too as less feed will end up as excreta (poultry) manure. Thanks


First you have to understand that super enzymes inclusion isn't a must unless you have reason to. For one the end must justify the means. I.e it should not be an additional cost whose purpose can't be explained. Ask yourself why you want to add super enzymes. Not all birds need it and not any production system need boosting because some breeds are by genetic predisposition poor feed converters. Kindly which breeds are your birds and why do you feel you need the super enzymes.woudn't for example advice super enzymes for local poultry.