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Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
Transplanting is an early stage activity in vegetables growing especially to those varieties that are raised in nursery units before final transfer to the main field of production( farm). In simple definition transplanting is achain of activities that enables uplifting transportation,actual seedlings planting and post planting management minimize mortality rate at planting or after planting.
Benefits of good planting techniques
- give good plants population hence better harvest(low mortality)
-results to uniform crop growth and development
-help in keeping accurate records e.g date of planting, fertilizer applications and expected harvesting or maturity time which is only accurate if good %of seedlings picked up in same time or acceptable infilling
  • low mortality enables farmer to have draw up expectations on output in a production period.
  • seedlings climatize faster hence better utilization of available moisture and soil nutrients
  • seedlings adopt fast and come up vigorously help to tolerate early diseases, pests and insufficient soil moisture.

  • Ensure seedlings are well hardened and mature
  • Before uplifting seedlings water them well 1-2 hours prior
  • Apply rosassol-K as a foliar spray to initiate minimum opening of stomata helping the newly transplanted seedlings not to loose much water. This done just before uplifting the seedlings.
  • Do not use your hands to pull young seedlings for this will break their tender roots exposing them to soil fungal attack additionally the injuries increases mortality instead use a trowel or a panga to lift them up.
-Only strong, healthy and seedlings of good size should be picked i.e 10-15 cm in height
If the seedlings were raised in traditional beds then ensure they are lifted with a little a mount of soil.NB do not press the soil to form firm balls as many farmers prefer doing.
  • uplifted seedlings waiting transportation to the field of transplanting to kept under shade or cold room for them to remain fresh and strong however time interval between lifting and actual planting should be minimized as possible where as immediate planting after planting is recommended.
  • Ensure secure, effective and suitable means of transportation is Paramount to reduce breakages and other forms of destruction.
-At the field ensure irrigation program is at its best if mechanized few hours before planting begins, run the system to field capacity but if water is to be by hand ensure enough water is made available to be applied same time as planting goes on.
-Ensure enough labour force fo instance 8 man days is appropriate for 1 acre.
-Purpose to transplant late in the evening or early in the morning. Midday transplanting can only be done if weather situation is favourable I.e cloudy, rainy and cool temperatures for a longer period of the day.
-determine the recommended spacing in regard to crop to be planted
-Make holes of about 10cm deep
  • apply fertilizer/manure as per quantity recommended and mix thoroughly to avoid scorching effect which may affect new plants if this is not done properly
  • one person to add water enough to keep the plant sustained for next 24 hours (amount depends on available soil moisture, temperatures and soil type)
  • Same time or just immediately after water application one person to place seedling and cover the root up to nursery mark I.e (point at which soil level at the nursery reached ) usually has a distinctive color difference and firm the soil around the base using both hands. The same procedure continues until every seedling done.
  • Another water application can be done after planting exercise this is for both mechanized irrigation program or manual by hand.
  • in a dry conditions watering is done twice a day evening and morning for 4-7 days to ensure water stress minimized thereafter a program can be drawn depending on prevailing weather situation, soil type, crop water requirement and available soil moisture content.
  • At maximum of seven days do scouting for mortality and ensure all the gaps filled and near 100% crop population achieved.
With all these in addition to other growing and management practices you're sure to hit your production target.
** Happy farming experience**