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Vegetables Tomato planting

Hello,I started tomato planting some weeks ago,I placed them in a bed for 2weeks but unfortunately the leaves have started turning yellow,I don't know what is affecting them,kindly I need your advice

Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
Hello,I started tomato planting some weeks ago,I placed them in a bed for 2weeks but unfortunately the leaves have started turning yellow,I don't know what is affecting them,kindly I need your advice
Hello Evans sharing photos would enabled us have a better idea of what could be the cause but nonetheless, with current excessive rainfall yellowing of leaves may be chlorosis a condition that result from Nitrogen insufficiency which is a possible case currently due leaching of more soluble nutrients like Nitrogen, please share photo if you can so that we can give you a more precise answer but if it's this case of leaching then apply foliar nitrogen fertilizer, make sure you do it early in the morning observing at least 3-4 hours before rain to avoid fertilizer being washed off before absorption into plant system you as well add stiker to enhance this. Thanks for choosing ELengo we are also having online courses that my give more beneficial skills in this area please kindly visit here
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Hello Evans sharing photos would enabled us have a better idea of what could be the cause but nonetheless, with current excessive rainfall yellowing of leaves may be chlorosis a condition that result from Nitrogen insufficiency which is a possible case currently due leaching of more soluble nutrients like Nitrogen, please share photo if you can so that we can give you a more precise answer but if it's this case of leaching then apply foliar nitrogen fertilizer, make sure you do it early in the morning observing at least 3-4 hours before rain to avoid fertilizer being washed off before absorption into plant system you as well add stiker to enhance this. Thanks for choosing ELengo we are also having online courses that my give more beneficial skills in this area please kindly visit herehttps://farmcourses.com/

Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
Hello,if you need to plant tomatoes,is it a must you use fertilizer and if so which one is preferred and quantity per tomato.
Hi Evans, Morning? Let me first out line the reasons why fertilizers are applied to any crop at planting and during growing period tomatoes included. Fertilizers contain different elements either in a single formulation in category called straight fertilizer example CAN or complex formulation called compound fertilizer example NPK ,DAP application of these fertilizers of any category provides
N- nitrogen
P- phosphorus
K- potassium
as Major nutrients needed generally in large quantities to all plants even though each plant may not need equal amount as the other e.g tomatoes may not need same amount as kales and yet still tomatoes in my area may need different quantity from what your tomatoes need reason is types soils have different fertility and PH levels which are major determinants on this. Now your question has both no and yes as the answer, to have specific answer on this you need to have a clear knowledge on fertility status of your farm by doing soil test/analysis which will give information in respect to availability of major elements NPK and minor elements like calcium, boron ,molybdenum etc if the result of the analysis confirm availability of the required nutrients for growing tomatoes then you need not apply fertilizer inversely if the analysis shows insufficiency of one or more vital elements then a fertilizer or manure will have to be added in right quality ,quantity and timely. On type of fertilizer to apply , I will give you a general answer derived from my explanation above I.e ensure enough phosphorus-P at planting for good root development and CAN- for Nitrogen and Calcium for good vegetative development and blossom end-rot management and potassium-K for diseases tolerance, shape, color and taste. You can supply these via NPK fertilizer, DAP and CAN or welcome decomposed farm yard manure or compost. I would also encourage that you visit this link below for educative and more skills on courses we offer online affordably thanks https://farmcourses.com