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Leaf Vegetables what vegetables to choose?

betsy koech

New member
I have a small farm where i rear some chicken. I want to do serious business using small sacks to grow some vegetables because my farm is small - need your advice

Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
Hello thanks for seeking piece of advice on how well to maximize production in available space.To begin with, choice of which vegetable(s) to grow depend on the following factors

-Market available( if for sale then identify market (buyers ) and what they prefer
-season (there are times when certain vegetables are flooded in the stalls )
- Location (urban setup tend to offer prolonged demand/ constant demand than rural set-ups)
- Technical ability e.g tomatoes and leaf vegetables doesn't require similar management practices at some point.
-Availability of resources e.g cabbages utilizes more water during growing period than other leaf vegetables.
*Lastly your passion (this apply is growing for your kitchen and not for commercial purposes.
Based on this list of factors here are some types you can choose from
Kales (sukuma wiki)
Cabbages (all types)
Traditional veges (Managu, Saga e.t.c)
Capsicum (Hoho)
Brinjals (bringanya)
NB. Most of these vegetables will require you establish seedlings nursery.


Certified Expert
You can also consider having a square foot garden which is a simple method of creating small,orderly and highly productive kitchen gardens.
They are easy to create and manage, have efficient water utilization ,maximum production per unit if well managed and you can grow different vegetables.