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Tomatoes what will do well in Kilifi?

Alfred Opiyo

Certified Expert
Please below are ecological requirements for tomatoes that can guide you.

Day Temperature 20-25°c higher than this affects growth consequently production
Night temperature should not be below 15°c otherwise you will experience frost which is a predisposition to fungal diseases
-Soils should be well drained, fertile light loam with PH ranges of 5-7.5
- if rain fed then I deal distribution should be 600mm through out the year however insufficiency can be supplemented by irrigation.

NB.My advice has the assumption that you intended to do open field production.
With Fish farming it will depend on salinity level of the waters you want to use and species of fish you intend to keep besides doing dam lining reason is we fish that thrive well if fresh waters while others do well in salty waters. Thanks any additional input is highly welcome